Seminars / Well-being
Many companies choose to take advantage of Affiliated Physicians' group sessions geared towards overall wellbeing.
These lifestyle learning seminars offer a cost-effective way to provide motivational sessions throughout the year, keep your team focused on their health, and reinforce the work-life balance and your company’s commitment to encouraging healthy lifestyle choices.
Group sessions such as these, particularly in close-knit company cultures, often lead to the formation of “self-help” groups who choose to work on health issues together, offering encouragement and accountability. We have a committed group of medical professionals who are passionate about preventive care and overall well-being, and they are ready to bring that enthusiasm to your team.
Health Fair Design
Let AP help you design a health fair for your employees. We have our finger on the pulse of who’s offering the latest and greatest in the wellness arena, and we can get to know your company and design a winning event that will specifically target, engage, and excite your team.
Obesity is on the rise, and is highly preventable. Our nutrition experts can conduct an enlightening seminar on ways to navigate the temptations that come with summer BBQ season, office events, and the holidays, as well as small but effective dietary choices that can lead to slow, long-lasting weight loss, and general education on effective ways to make healthy eating choices or pick a nutrition plan that suits all types, from carb lover to the sweets fan.
Fitness / Weight Loss
Often conducted in conjunction with nutrition seminars, fitness coaching helps provide participants with a jumping-off point for folks of all shapes and sizes. Whether the goal is weight loss or improved overall fitness, these sessions focus on how to get started and stay motivated. Depending on the culture of your organization, folks may choose to turn this into an ongoing group activity or even a fitness or weight loss challenge.
Cancer Prevention
There’s a lot of confusing and conflicting information out there about the right way to minimize cancer risk. Two of the most prevalent cancers - skin and breast – can be detected early with regular self-exams. Our team helps yours to understand how to conduct those self-exams, and to make healthy life choices that can reduce the risk of cancer, as well as encouraging screenings and tests that allow for early detection – which is the proven way towards best outcomes.
Introduction to Yoga and Meditation
Together with our partners, we can arrange for on-site sessions in yoga and meditation. These disciplines can sometimes be seen as unapproachable or difficult to engage in without a lot of upfront investment. These preliminary sessions offer an introductory experience, allowing folks to see for themselves the benefits of engaging in these activities, as well as an opportunity for those already engaging in them to get additional practice.
On-site Massage
Chair massages, offered in an office setting, provide a welcome stress reliever. Our licensed massage therapists come equipped with specially designed mobile facilities that allow them to provide a full back, neck, and arm massage. It’s a great way to help your team relax!
Smoking Cessation
If you have a population of smokers, we can help! In partnership with one of the premier smoking cessation companies we offer your team the opportunity to finally quit, using state-of-the-art technology to track progress and seek encouragement or coaching.